
Greetings! And welcome to my little corner of the world. As you are probably aware if you have followed my blog, I was born in England, so she will always have a special place in my heart. I have been back several times, and each time I fall more in love with London. It has got to be one of the world’s most fascinating cities. It has everything. The people, the old, the new, the history, the castles, the pageantry, the pubs, the food, the quirkiness. It has everything. You can say I am in love with London,

As an American, being in London makes you feel like you have stepped inside of a fairy tale. From the moment you step off the plane, see Unisex toilet signs, hear the accents, and see those black taxis……well you have stepped inside of page four. You have Queens and castles. You have football teams and colored scarves. You have fish and chips and beer and pubs. You have double decker buses and people speaking English words but you have no earthly clue what they are saying. The money is cool, the food is great, the people are friendly, every corner offers a new surprise. It’s endless.

Note: All photos are my own.


One of my favorite places in London, It’s a beautiful park. Wide walkways, endless views, statues, Italian gardens, THE Peter Pan STATUE!!!


Seriously? King Henry VIII, the beefeaters, the gate where Anne was transported to her prison before she lost her head. You realize its not a Netflix film or a story, it is REAL. The ghosts are everywhere. Amazing Amazing place. Truly.


London has a unique personality. Ton of different neighborhoods that are all different in their own right. You always run into things that are just typically London. Especially the pubs.


Just the coolest bridge ever. It’s great to walk across the whole thing. No photo shot of this bridge is a bad one. It is a towering example of majesty.


No words necessary.

London at Its best

There are endless treasures in London. Ive been there several times but have barely scratched the surface of the endless city. I will have to go back. I’m not sure when, but I will return!

After writing this and hunting down photos, I am homesick. I would love to hop a plane, eat fish and chips in the rain, sit on a park bench in Hyde Park all day with a notebook and pen and write, find a pastry or two with a hot cuppa, find fruit pastels and eat them until I’m ill, and those traditional English breakfasts? YESSSSSSS.

I need to start researching possibilities and start putting more money in that jar!!

Until next time…… kind……..always,


12 thoughts on “London

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  1. London is, for sure, one of my favourite cities. I loved the history, the people, the cabs. I lived there for a bit and I was so sad when I had to move back to NZ.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. NZ is one of the most sought after trips!! My son sold everything he owned and bought a one way ticket to NZ and stayed for a year. He did the same to Australia and came back two years later. Your country is breathtaking.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. It is stunningly beautiful here – there are a lot of hidden treasures in New Zealand. And in Australia too! I’d love to go to the outback in Aus, as I’ve only been to NSW and South Australia! 🙂 Thank you!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. It’s great to see a post about London from a non local. I live in the Cotswolds and can easily get to London by bus. It’s a great city and I love it every time I get to go there.

    Liked by 1 person

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