The Sound of Silence

Greetings, and welcome to my little corner of the world...... This post will be a little different, so bare with me. Life. It gets busy. Overwhelming even. It is cluttered with work and home and errands and details. Our phones ring just as the microwave sounds as we are called from another room by a... Continue Reading →

4000 Miles from Arizona to Alaska

Greetings! And thank you for stopping by and sharing some moments with me in my little corner of the world. I'm truly in a "corner of the world" my current location is described as "the edge of the world", and I have no doubt after spending the past couple of weeks here, that this statement... Continue Reading →

My Random and Lofty Bucket List

Greetings! Welcome to my little corner of the world and my random blog where I post about random subjects. Today, I am writing my infamous bucket list. Now not everyone believes in doing such a thing. Silly some say. But I do believe in dreams. I do believe in reaching out for the almost impossible.... Continue Reading →

My Undying Fascination with Trees

Greetings! And thank you for spending some of your moments here with me in my little corner of the world. Seriously, thank you! My fascination with trees. Not sure where it started, but I do remember being on Bourne Park, in Ipswich Suffolk, and there was this one tree. I remember even as a little... Continue Reading →

Multnomah Falls, Portland

Greetings! And thank you for stopping by. Waterfalls. There is something purely magical about standing before a waterfall. The water just keeps coming and coming. You hear the power of it's force. You smell the crispness of the air surrounding the spray. It's Mother Nature at one of her finest moments. Oh yes, there is... Continue Reading →

Why I Love Arizona

Greetings! And welcome to my little corner of the world. I have been asked over the years (by people of course who have never been here) why on EARTH would you love Arizona? Its "just" a desert. I was born and raised in England, I  have lived in New Mexico, Texas, California, North Dakota, Connecticut... Continue Reading →

Beauty in the Ordinary

Nothing new that I'm known to get into my vehicle with a debit card, journal and camera, without a plan and go. I find the simplest and yet, at times the most extraordinary places and things. The following is just a collection without rhyme nor reason. Some were taken in Europe. Some have meaning, some... Continue Reading →

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Dra. Martha Andrea Castro Noriega, MD


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Leaders Speak with Body Language

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ღFinding My Inner Goddessღ

Travels in Finland and abroad

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Meg Dowell Writes

Putting ideas into words.

Bournemouth Girl

Planning the life you want


Life at age 75, feeling like a 20 year old. You can do it too.


The Life & Ramblings Of A Zillennial

Readably Yours

A Digital Diary of Books, Coffee, and the Chapters of My Life :)

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