Upcoming and What to Expect

Greetings! And welcome to my little corner of the world. I appreciate you stopping by and choosing to spend some of your moments with me. So Thank You! I have been away for awhile. I took some quality time off for myself, to grow as a human and to wean myself away from social media... Continue Reading →

Doors Around The World

Greetings and welcome to my little corner of the world. My random blog that covers all kinds of subjects. I have always had a borderline obsession with doors. In all of my travels I always end up doing photo shoots of doors. They are mesmerizing to me because I can see a story behind every... Continue Reading →

Moments – Living with Intention

Greetings and welcome to my little blog full of randomness. I call it my "little corner of the world" as that is what sometimes I think of it as. My collection of thoughts, habits, trips, photos, beliefs etc. So, welcome! I have worked hard at adopting. different lifestyle the past few years. Life changes and... Continue Reading →

My Random and Lofty Bucket List

Greetings! Welcome to my little corner of the world and my random blog where I post about random subjects. Today, I am writing my infamous bucket list. Now not everyone believes in doing such a thing. Silly some say. But I do believe in dreams. I do believe in reaching out for the almost impossible.... Continue Reading →

Top 5 Favorites – Books

Greetings! And welcome to my little corner of the world. Thank you for stopping by and spending a moment or two here with me. I truly appreciate it. Today I will be reviewing my top five books, but I must be honest. I could not narrow it down to five. I am a chronic reader,... Continue Reading →

Get Organized With Me!

Greetings and welcome to my little corner of the world. I thank you for stopping by and spending some moments with me. I have been asked to write a blog post about how I organize my time. We all have different lives and responsibilities, and must plan time accordingly. This post is simply how I... Continue Reading →


Greetings! And welcome to my little corner of the world. As you are probably aware if you have followed my blog, I was born in England, so she will always have a special place in my heart. I have been back several times, and each time I fall more in love with London. It has... Continue Reading →

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Saania's diary - reflections, learnings, sparkles

Life is all about being curious, asking questions, and discovering your passion. And it can be fun!

Sorrow Today, Strength Tomorrow

Conversations about mental health, bipolar disorder, depression, self care & more. Suicide Hotline # 1-800- 273-8255. You're NOT alone. ♥️

ECGS | Ethelred Council for Geojuridical Statecraft

Ethelred Council for Geojuridical Statecraft


Distinguished reader selectively reads

Dra. Martha Andrea Castro Noriega, MD


Therapy Bits

Living life with dissociative identity disorder and complex ptsd


thoughts from my mind to yours

Leaders Speak with Body Language

Body language, leadership, personality traits, personality development, SEO, blogging, life improvement, inspiration, success, fate, Marketing, self-analysis


ღFinding My Inner Goddessღ

Travels in Finland and abroad

Discover Finland’s hidden gems

Meg Dowell Writes

Putting ideas into words.

Bournemouth Girl

Planning the life you want


Life at age 75, feeling like a 20 year old. You can do it too.


The Life & Ramblings Of A Zillennial

Readably Yours

A Digital Diary of Books, Coffee, and the Chapters of My Life :)

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