If You Could Invite 15 Guests to Dinner – Who Would You Invite?

Greetings! And welcome to my little corner of the world and my blog of randomness. And believe me, this one is random! This will be a challenge, and right here, right now, I challenge you to answer this, either on a thread, or a comment. This question will cause you to think, and consider.

Here’s the challenge:

You are having a dinner party, and can invite fifteen guests, not family or your children as that is just obvious, dead or alive, current or historical, real or fictional for whatever reasons you choose. Here is my guest list:

NELSON MENDELLA – Has to be one of the most influential people in history. His story has always fascinated me and I would love to sit down with him and find out how he spent most of his life wrongly imprisoned, to only come out stronger and more dedicated than ever to his cause.

CHESTER BENNINGTON – The lead singer of all my all time favorite band Linkin Park that sadly took his own life last year. I have to be honest and say this rocked my world and the hangover from that loss still has a hold on me. I found him incredibly talented, open and raw about his own struggles with Mental Illness. I would like to really pick his brain. About the career, the motivation for the songs he wrote, his depression and the hold it had over him. I feel I could probably learn so much from this gentle soul with the outrageous voice.

WINNIE THE POOH – Who doesn’t love Pooh? He has the most simple statements that were literally profound. Silly old bear! (I would make sure we had pots of honey on the table)

LADY DIANNA – My all time heroine. She died on my youngest sons birthday. I still have every newspaper of that day. The day the world stood still. She emanated kindness. Opened the door for AIDS acceptance, and was a pioneer in her own right. Never to be replaced. I will seat her by Nelson, as I think they could have a lot to talk about.

GRAHAM NORTON- I youtube this man’s show literally every night and he never fails to make me laugh. He can be our comic entertainment.

LADY GAGA – Haven’t always been a fan of her art, but I have always been a fan of her. She is random, one of a kind, but she has ALWAYS rallied for the underdog, the misfits, the ones that don’t belong. She has been true to herself and her art since day one. I’m glad to see she has matured and ventured out to other strengths. She truly is strong, yet gentle.

ADOLF HITLER – Now I know this isn’t a popular choice, but bare with me. I would just HAVE to pick his Brain with my million questions. He was insane, and evil, but he was a maniacal genius for his time. To get the multitude to stand behind his lunacy and follow suit to insanity I would have to know why. WHY? I believe he will be sitting in between Winnie the Pooh and Graham, with Gaga across the table.

IRENA SENDLER- Amazing woman from WWII where she saved 2500 children from extermination in war-torn Poland. She wrote their names on slips of paper, put them in a jar, and buried it under an apple tree in hopes that she could reunite them with their families after the war. She died at 98 years old and 2018 was dedicated the “Year of Irena Sandler” In Poland. (she wouldn’t sit anywhere near Adolf by the way)

LEONARDO DICAPRIO- I admit it, have aways been a Leo fan. I’ve seen most of everything he’s made and I consider him Brilliant. My favorites are “Blood Diamond” and “The Revanant”. He also runs an amazing foundation focusing on global warming and protecting endangered species. Definitely a fan. (I will be sitting in between him and Chester)

MARTIN LUTHER KING – Does there need to be an explanation for this one? He will be seated on the other side of Nelson b

PETER PAN –I’m cheating here as I know if I invite Peter Pan I know that Tinkerbell will be right here too…..so its kind of like a BOGO.

MY GRANDAD – Definitely one of the most important people in my life. His name was William Polley and he died in 1993. Therefore my “name” has always been Polley93. In honor of him.

RUSSELL WESTBROOK- You didn’t think I would ignore the sports world did you? I’m a sports fan and I love basketball,, and I love the OKC Thunder, so Russ has got to be there. Damn he is amazing to watch!

DARTH VADER -Must find out more about the back story. There just has GOT to be more about the back story! The creation of this character was pure genius.

FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE –The female pioneer of the amazing career of nursing. She paved the way for the care of the injured, purely because it was the right thing to do. It was about SERVICE. I believe that her story and her mission should be required reading for every nursing student to remind them about the foundation of the origins of their chosen career. It’s important.

I hope you have enjoyed this post and it causes you to think. What people would you like to spend an evening with so that you could talk to them and ask them anything? it is quite the interesting questions to ponder.

Thank you for stopping by, as always, it is very appreciated. And I mean that!

Until next time………..be kind………..always,


11 thoughts on “If You Could Invite 15 Guests to Dinner – Who Would You Invite?

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  1. Oh my gosh – fifteen is too many people for this anxious introvert so I’ll settle for picking five:

    1. Beetlejuice
    2. Vlad the Impaler
    3. Reno from FFVII
    4. Winifred Sanderson
    5. Loki

    It would be the most hilarious dinner party ever.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Interesting choices. Not sure I’d want to sit down with Hitler!
    Me? I’d invite
    Barack Obama
    Michelle Obama
    Dolly Parton
    Tina Turner
    Graham Norton
    Warren Buffet
    Bill Gates
    Melinda Gates
    George Orwell

    That will do for now I think! Should be a good doo!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This would be one very interesting dinner! I love so many of your choices. I can’t deny that, as much as I despise what he did and what he stood for, it would be fascinating to have a conversation with Hitler. I love the fact your username is inspired by your grandad, that’s so sweet.

    I might need to have a think about my 15 people and do a post myself! Thanks for the inspiration.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I had some fun with this one for sure. It’s disheartening how few read my blog. But I sure appreciate everyone who does. You especially as I know how full your blogging world is. To think that you share some of your moments with me surely means a lot to me and I thank you ❤️


  4. I love this idea. As always you never fail to disappoint! I bet this was a nice break from your novel to refresh your brain. Don’t forget to rest during your #nanowrimo2018 mission 🙂

    I’d love to chat to Florence Nightingale, I read somewhere that she was potentially the first famous chronic illness warrior. She got quite ill from something similar to the Spanish flu and never full recovered. I think her diary entries describe symptoms in the same vein as Fibromyalgia. Very fascination.

    Thanks for the awesome read!


    Liked by 1 person

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