Writing A Book

Greetings and welcome to my little corner of the world. Thank you so very much for stopping by and spending your moments here.

Writing a book. As always, there is a story behind this. A “method to my madness” so to speak. I have always loved to write. I have always loved to read. I educated myself along with my children, and thought I would write a book about what it was like to be a Healthcare Provider in a very broken healthcare system. I had visions of research and graphs and all kinds of amazing data. I thought I couldn’t do it from simply an Arizona perspective so I started traveling out there to different locations to see how Healthcare was in different areas of the country. It was the same. Broken. So now I was ready to write a book.

I invested in a new laptop and got all organized and started writing. Lo and behold what came out of my fingertips was not educated and PhD’ish and graphs and data. It was about a little boy who woke up in a different land. I kid you not.


Whaaaaattt???? Where the hell did this come from? I honestly have no idea. None.

This has been a work in progress. I have picked it up and put it down more times than I can count. Every time I pick it up and read it, I can’t believe I wrote it. I get inspired, write a few more chapters and repeat. I still don’t have any idea how this story will end or what will happen, I truly don’t. I just know that there are people, personalities, beliefs, quotes, places etc from my life that is woven, unintentionally, into every page, I find that pretty amazing.


I will be participating again in NaNoWriMo this year. I started this book during that back in 2014 (thats when I started this blog, although it was in a coma for almost three years, just gave the blog CPR and am committed now) I am considering finishing my first draft during November. Considering.

And so here you go! My preface and the beginning of my book. About Eli and his adventures. It has a little bit of everything in it. It literally has become may fifth child. Please leave a comment with criticism if you would. For us novice writers, that is the  best gift in the world. Sometimes we are way too close and cannot see the forest for the trees.


Eli laid on the soft mat he called his safe place for all of the circles of life he had memory of. His mat was flush with the floor of the awkward structure he called his home. It was only he and his mother residing there. One single thought of his mother filled his heart to the brim with that overflowing feeling of warmth. The feeling he could only describe as safe, comfort and love. Eli had lived nine circles. He was facing a small window to the side of his mat looking at the moon and letting his thoughts float without direction or purpose. It was the 264th moon. Usually this was a good thing. Looking at the moon at the end of every day was something special he and is mother would share every night together. They had gazed upon hundreds and hundreds of them together as they shared their thoughts and dreams in the quiet. The orange moon did not happen often, but when it did, Eli thought you could almost reach out and touch it. The orange moon was so full, round and big that it seemed to kiss the earth and linger there. Eli loved those nights.  It was on those nights something special happened. the light and color of that orange moon skimmed over the hills and the huts and made everything glow and almost sparkle. The moon could keep you company on those nights where sleep stayed distant and thoughts ran wild. Eli learned to depend on the moon. For some unexplained reason, he would feel comforted just looking up in the dark and seeing it hanging there. Different shapes at times, but faithful.

Eli loved the moon. but not this one. Not the 264th moon during the ninth circle of his life. Eli thought if he shut his eyes tightly enough perhaps he could drown out the light of that dreaded moon. Why did it have to be this way? And why him? He wasn’t special. Just a boy with a mother who had lived in this land for all of the circles of his life. Who created this life changing rule that on the 264th moon, a boy with only nine circles of life behind him, could possibly wake up in a new land, knowing nothing about it, and knowing not a soul? There were only three other lands that were spoken of and they all sounded frightening. Were there other boys that were in their ninth circle of life laying on their mats having similar thoughts? Are they afraid? Will they miss their mothers as much as he would miss his mother every single day and with every moon he gazed upon at night? Eli had never lived even one moon of one circle without his mother. As his eyes became heavier, and the more he fought, the closer he got to drifting off to sleep. Then the light of that 264th moon would creep in through his window and he would slowly open his eyes; and shudder.

Like I said…..work in progress.

I don’t know if I will self publish. I don’t have any idea about book covers, marketing, or next step in this process. I think I basically need to get this first draft completed (November 30, 2018 – Thanks NaNo!) Edit it. And get some beta readers to cut it up, slice and dice it. Then I will figure the rest out!

Hope you enjoyed a teaser of my first novel. I would so much appreciate a comment from you some criticism, anything to help me move forward with this literary journey, where I literally am flying by the seat of my pants!

Until next time……..be kind……..always,


9 thoughts on “Writing A Book

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  1. It is a very intriguing piece. I am curious to find out the backstory with Eli and his mother as well as what land he will end up in. Maybe there be more than 3 lands?

    I think it is very well written. It grabbed my attention and I am very curious to find out what happens with Eli, and to learn about his story.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s unpredictable and touches in many subjects/beliefs. I’m working hard now to free up November which is National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) 50,000 words in 30 days. I believe that could get me at my first draft completion!!!


  2. I’m an extremely amateur writer and I’m not sure I have anything to criticize. I think it sounds really interesting and I look forward to reading more. I hope November is a great and productive month for your book!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. “Just do it” is one of my favourite motivational quotes because, why not? Congratulations on this step forward. Good luck with NaNoWriMo! Wishing you a book that you love and that your readers will love as much as you do.

    Liked by 1 person

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