Beauty in the Ordinary

Nothing new that I’m known to get into my vehicle with a debit card, journal and camera, without a plan and go. I find the simplest and yet, at times the most extraordinary places and things. The following is just a collection without rhyme nor reason. Some were taken in Europe. Some have meaning, some don’t. But all have their own little spark of beauty. There is no special reason for this blog post. Just a random post. Random, like me.

All photos are original and taken by me. Some with an iphone, some with an older camera and some with my Canon. They are unedited and raw for the most part as I’m a work in progress. But then again, aren’t we all?

Doors. I’ve always been a little obsessed with doors.

Doors are openings, they are closings. They can welcome you, they can shut you out. They can can be a beacon of light, a place of safety, comfort and warmth, or they can be cold and foreboding with an invisible “Keep Out” sign. Every door has a story. Oh gosh, another idea for a collection of short stories……. The list is long and I would have to live two lifetimes, without a “real” job to get them all written.

Seems like everywhere I go, I am drawn toward doors. Each with its own personality and story. Some ornate and pristine, some are worn by time…..and years……and experience.

Inanimate but interesting objects are another obsession. Every since I started learning photography, things take on a new perspective. I don’t see things the same way anymore. I notice lighting, and where things are placed, shapes I never took notice of before. Every walk I take, every drive I take, I see things differently. Things have become much more interesting. And much more beautiful. Things I  never would have even stopped to look at before, take on a personality of their own these days.

Sometimes I wish these things could speak. I’m sure they would all have a story to tell. Sometimes I think if you are still enough…..quiet enough……you can feel the stories hidden within the simple things that are in front of you.

Nature has a beauty of it’s own. Mother Nature is truly remarkable. She’s beautiful. She’s powerful. But she is an amazing artist who paints amazing views with a stroke of who she is.

So I guess this blog wasn’t about anything huge to learn, no big opinions or fancy artistic prose. Just a collection of random thoughts coupled with random photos. Call it a ‘brain vacay’. We all need one once in awhile. And next time you venture out? Find the beauty in everything……and everyone you see.

Because it’s there.

Until next time……. be kind…….always.


7 thoughts on “Beauty in the Ordinary

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  1. Brilliant! I love the way you look at things in a different way. Trees have always fascinated me too. I’d never thought much about doors before but actually it’s quite intriguing to wonder what’s behind them. You can find my blog here: Thanks for sharing! 🙂 x

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