Random Sunday Thoughts

Greetings! And, as always, thank you for spending your moments with me.

I’m sitting here, on a hotel bed, in the quiet, creating my weekly blog post from my phone. Yes, I live in hotels. Has its moments, benefits and drawbacks. One of them being internet hiccups that prevent me from accessing my blog, and computer photos. So? This blog, will be a typical rambling and scattered mess without my usual mass collection of latest photo shots. Hopefully next week will be better. One thing about me, is I always find a way. My path may not be a straight one, but I usually get there.

I started a list, after going through my uploaded photography to Lightroom. To make a ballpark plan of upcoming blog posts. What subjects? Places? People? Things? After uploading, I caught a glimpse of the number of photos. 10K of them. Yes, that’s correct and no typo. Ten THOUSAND of them. Keep in mind, I delete and toss the ones I don’t like the same day I shoot, so these are all keepers. The places shot, and the things captured are pretty awesome!

As I’ve mentioned, my long term plan is vague, I just know I have something stirring deep inside to do something different. I do love healthcare. (Healthcare in general. Not Healthcare in the US after the ACA)  I do love taking care of patients. And I do feel very humbled at the fact I have sought out the populations of the poor and homeless to be dedicated to. However, I feel a stirring.

My passions? Are writing, photography, and travel. So, although not altogether sure, I know I’m headed in a direction to combine all those passions together and create an income through them. Call it a win/win. I’m working toward that end now. But? For now? I travel with my current career choice, a Family Nurse Practitioner, and go to wherever the need is. Live in hotels. Go on random adventures on my own. Hence……Life in a suitcase….. And for now it’s in Northern California.

We all have dreams. Pictures of ourselves doing what truly makes us happy. My vision? Backpacking across Europe. Collecting passport stamps. Going wherever, whenever and for whatever. Peru. Prague. Africa. Canada. Budapest. India. Nepal. Writing about it. Photographing it. And creating a YouTube channel for single women that desire to do the same thing. Believe it or not, there are many of us. Why not? Do not have a clue how I’m going to pull this off. But? I can tell you something.

I will.

So….with that being said, here is a short list of places I’ve been, places I’ve photographed, and experiences I’ve had, that all deserve a blog post. Let me know what piques your interest and I will put it at the top of the list.

The Beautiful Arizona Desert – Southern Arizona. You either love it, or hate it. I believe it’s beautiful. It’s always reminded me that any circumstance can be survived through.

Crescent City California – (last town in California before the Oregon state line) Coastlines. Barking seals as my alarm clock. Being told by an Indian Chief to go sit on a rock. Many weekend road trips. 1400 mile commute to get there.

New Town North Dakota – learned much about the pipeline. Survived -36 degrees. Rugged and beautiful open spaces. Driving home to Az in a blizzard being the only vehicle on the freeway and the highway patrol even refusing a rescue.

Hartford Connecticut and East Coast – six of the most beautiful months. History. Many weekend trips. Parents visit for a week. Survived the worst winter in Connecticut history.

London –been many times. Too many details to post here. King Henry VIII. Castles. Pageantry. History. Pubs. Double Decker’s. The Arts. Fish and Chips.  My most favorite city in the world. However, from travelers I have met along my journey, I have been told that after I experience Prague, this may drop to #2 spot? Whaaat?

Northern Arizona – Sedona. Flagstaff. Grand Canyon. Oh yeah….. and working at a prison and surviving three riots being the only provider there. Yeah, that happened.

Wales – Amazing. Must go back.

Scotland – Again. Amazing. Kilts. Shearing sheep. Haggis. Edinburgh. Castles. William Wallace. History for days.

United Kingdom – This will definitely take more than one post. The entire country. Bath. Chester. Stratford Upon Avon. Football. Culture. History. Architecture.

Northern California – Where I am now. Wine country. Indian history. Coastline. An area yet to be fully explored.

9 hr day trip yesterday. Found a lighthouse. The photos are breathtaking! Soon……

And that’s a short list. Drop me a vote on what you’d like first. Also, my random brain is sure to hop off on a few bunny trails. So expect posts on my inanimate object picture taking days (bridges, ocean waves, doors, lock and keys, trees etc)

Subjects? Traveling on a budget. Minimalist packing tips. How to keep your peace during these chaotic times. Don’t ask why, just ask yourself why not. Making a plan and sticking to it. Being true to yourself. Tiny Homes (yes, my future)

I suppose after all of the above, at the end of the day……it’s this. And this I truly believe:

The only limits we have, are self imposed.

I so appreciate you getting to this point in my blog! And again, thank you for spending your time with me. Moments are most precious, never to be returned. We all get the same 24 hours. Spend them wisely.

Make sure to click “like”, leave a comment or suggestion, and leave your vote on the next blog subject!!

Until next time……be kind…..always.


6 thoughts on “Random Sunday Thoughts

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  1. I would like to know top 3 favorite places you have been and must see again in order. Also if you only had 90 days to live where would you go and why. Ready … go.


    1. I would go to three places I’ve never been. 1) Prague – breathtaking. Culture. Photographers dream.
      2) Peru – the culture. Macchu Pichu.
      3) Thailand – Cheap and Gorgeous.
      With 90 days left I’d be going to Portland, Denver, Scottsdale and Sedona. Duh!!


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